Outdoor / Camping
Review of solar technology and products for your outdoor activities.

Average size and weight of portable solar panels (with 39 examples)
I did some research to see which portable solar panels are available on the market and selected 39; then, I divided them, in terms of portability.

Average size and weight of RV/boat solar panels (with 51 examples)
The dimensions and weight of the solar panels, having the same nominal power, changes slightly from one brand to another and depends on the type of each panel. For example, a 50 W rigid solar panel weighs around 9.3 pounds (4.2 kg), while a flexible one weighs around 2.9 pounds (1.3 kg).

RV/Boat PV system: How to size your battery bank?
The next step after deciding your solar power need is to size and configure your PV system battery bank. Batteries are energy storage units that help us deal with the irregular nature of power generating of PV systems. They provide…

RV/Boat PV system: How much solar power do you need?
The first step for designing a PV system is to understand how much energy do you need and how many solar panels you have to install to generate that power. Iet’s see in 7 steps, how to calculate the amount of solar power and the minimum number of PV panels required for your RV/Boat.